About Envolt
EnVolt is the executive arm of ENL Group in the field of energy production from renewable sources. We are operational since 2018, generating more than 10% of ENL’s total energy consumption from solar power.

EnVolt has been honoured with the Solar Quarter Africa Project Excellence Award 2024.

PV Farms
Envolt is a pioneer in large-scale rooftop solar power generation. We currently own and operate 10 photovoltaic (PV) farms across the island, set on the rooftops of hotels, offices and commercial buildings.
Our production capacity stands at 4.1 MW, secured under the first Medium Scale Distributed Generation (MSDG) Scheme of Mauritius as executed by the Central Electricity Board.
The CEB recently introduced a second MSDG Scheme in a bid to accelerate the national green energy transition, and so in line with the country’s revised ambition to produce 60% of its electricity needs from renewable sources by 2030.
Following this new opening of access to the national grid, we have secured the CEB’s authorisation to increase our electricity production to 18MW by 2026. We are developing new PV farms, both on rooftops and on land, to honour the contract. We expect to operate 15 production sites ultimately.
Our Portfolio
We offer turn-key solutions to our customers, most of which are ENL companies and adhere to the group’s strategy for sustainable business practices which is founded on 5 pillars: climate actions, biodiversity, waste management, inclusive communities and circular economy.
Our Team
EnVolt is managed by key resources forming part of the ENL team.
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